Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Playlist #111

Today's Playlist: February 6, 2018

  1. On Thursday, 8th graders will take the panoramic picture. If you want to purchase one, you must order it before the picture is taken. Mr. Welch has the order forms.
  2. Complete the runoff vote for 8th grade yearbook picks: https://goo.gl/forms/DkP4jopQ0dKRtuQ93
  3. Read this article about the “Frontier Thesis”. This is a very influential theory of understanding the development of American history. Complete this exit ticket for a grade.
  4. February is Black History Month. Read this article in Newsela about Rosa Parks, complete the Newsela Quiz then return here and complete the exit ticket for the assignment.
  5. Study your Quizlet sets on Unit 11.