Welcome to Mr. Welch's US history class at Emilie J. Ross Middle School in Hughson, CA.
Course Title: United States History and Geography: Growth and Conflict
In 8th grade, California students study the history of the United States from the colonial period up until the end of the First World War. At Ross Middle School our 8th grade history course is designed as a "technology-first" class. We will utilize technology daily to learn all aspects of the history of our country.
Course Description: “United States History and Geography: Growth and Conflict - Students in grade eight study the ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution up to World War I, with an emphasis on America's role in the war. After reviewing the development of America's democratic institutions founded on the Judeo-Christian heritage and English parliamentary traditions, particularly the shaping of the Constitution, students trace the development of American politics, society, culture, and economy and relate them to the emergence of major regional differences. They learn about the challenges facing the new nation, with an emphasis on the causes, course, and consequences of the Civil War. They make connections between the rise of industrialization and contemporary social and economic conditions.” (Source: http://www.cde.ca.gov)
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8th Grade History Course Syllabus
8th Grade History Course Parent Teacher Contract
Please sign and return during the first week of school.
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8th Grade History Course Parent Teacher Contract
Please sign and return during the first week of school.
Communication/Contact Information
Ross Middle School Office: (209) 883-4425
E-Mail: jwelch@hughsonschools.org