Monday, October 23, 2017

Playlist #054

Today's Playlist: October 23, 2017

  1. Quizlet Live practice on the Legislative and Executive Branches.
  2. There will be a quiz on Tuesday on the Legislative and Executive branches.
  3. Today you will use your textbook (either the physical book, or the online version) to work on the first part of a handout set that has been assigned to you in Google Classroom. You need to use the index to find information, it is highly recommended that you use the online index which is linked in the handout.
  4. The handout is called “Constitution C1-C5 Handouts”. Today you will complete sections C1 through C3. You will do the last two parts tomorrow. You should be finished with the first three sections by the end of the period today. You may work with another member of the class collaboratively on this assignment, if you need to change seats to do so you may as long once roll has been taken.
  5. If you have completed C1, C2, and C3, you may return to Quizlet and continue to study the sets for the Legislative and Executive branches. You should repeat all Quizlet activities for all sets several times.