Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Playlist #006

Today's Playlist: August 15, 2017

  1. Go to Newsela, make sure you are signed in (Click "Sign In," then "Sign In With Google"). Read this article: https://newsela.com/articles/jamestown-discovery/id/11467/  complete complete the quiz and a “#Hashtag the Article” form.
  2. There will be a geography quiz on Friday covering the information in task 3.
  3. Then begin working on the interactive Geography activities, finish at least one page today and begin a second page. You will have time tomorrow to complete the second and third pages. You must have turned in at least one before you leave today. Turn each in when complete. You must attach screenshots to your activity pages to prove that you have completed each section.
States and Capitals
Canada and Mexico: States and Provinces

North and Central American Countries, Caribbean Countries and US Rivers