Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Playlist #060

Today's Playlist: October 31, 2017

  1. You will need your headphones most of this week.
  2. There are nine videos on the Bill of Rights assigned in Edpuzzle. Start working on them today, we will work through them over the next few days. Go in order. I will begin removing videos from the list from the top, this is GRADED. Try to complete at least three today.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Playlist #058

Today's Playlist: October 27, 2017

  1. In Formative, complete the quiz on the Judicial Branch and other parts of the Constitution.
  2. Get your assignment in Google Classroom.
  3. Today you will work on learning about the “Bill of Rights”. All the links you need to find the necessary information have been provided to you in the Hyperdoc in Google Classroom. You will work on this document today and Monday. Step one is to read an article. Please read it carefully and quietly, it will help you to understand the other elements that make up the Bill of Rights. Then answer the questions in Step 2 and start step three. Monday you will finish step three and four and turn in your completed hyperdoc.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Playlist #057

Today's Playlist: October 26, 2017

  1. If there is time study Quizlet set on the “Bill of Rights.”
  2. Read several Newsela Articles.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Playlist #056

Today's Playlist: October 25, 2017

  1. Quiz on Friday on the Judicial Branch and other parts of the Constitution.
  2. Nearpod on the Judicial Branch. Get the Link in Google Classroom
  3. Nearpod on the other parts of the Constitution. Get the Link in Google Classroom
  4. Read two Newsela articles from the assigned list if there is time.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Playlist #055

Today's Playlist: October 24, 2017

  1. Setup your Chromebooks in a diamond shape. Please remain quiet until every class member has completed the quiz.
  2. In Formative, complete the Quiz on the Legislative and Executive Branches.
  3. Complete sections C4 and C5 from your assignment from yesterday. TURN IN when complete.
  4. If there is time remaining, work on your assigned Quizlet sets.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Playlist #054

Today's Playlist: October 23, 2017

  1. Quizlet Live practice on the Legislative and Executive Branches.
  2. There will be a quiz on Tuesday on the Legislative and Executive branches.
  3. Today you will use your textbook (either the physical book, or the online version) to work on the first part of a handout set that has been assigned to you in Google Classroom. You need to use the index to find information, it is highly recommended that you use the online index which is linked in the handout.
  4. The handout is called “Constitution C1-C5 Handouts”. Today you will complete sections C1 through C3. You will do the last two parts tomorrow. You should be finished with the first three sections by the end of the period today. You may work with another member of the class collaboratively on this assignment, if you need to change seats to do so you may as long once roll has been taken.
  5. If you have completed C1, C2, and C3, you may return to Quizlet and continue to study the sets for the Legislative and Executive branches. You should repeat all Quizlet activities for all sets several times.

Playlist #059

Today's Playlist: October 30, 2017

  1. Today you will finish your Bill of Rights Hyperdoc from Friday.
  2. Once you are finished read the following Newsela articles, then choose others if you still have time:

Friday, October 20, 2017

Playlist #053

Today's Playlist: October 20, 2017

  1. Nearpod on the Executive Branch. Click on the LINK in Google Classroom.
  2. If there is time remaining, work on your assigned Quizlet sets.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Playlist #052

Today's Playlist: October 19, 2017

  1. Read 135-145. Complete a ROC of the Citizenship Handbook #6-10. You will find the assignment in Google Classroom. It is due by the 8AM tomorrow. Use the “Turn In” button when you are done.
  2. Study your Quizlet sets or read Newsela if there is time remaining.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Playlist #051

Today's Playlist: October 18, 2017

  1. Presentation: The Legislative Branch.
  2. Study your Quizlet sets if there is time remaining.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Playlist #050

Today's Playlist: October 17, 2017

  1. Turn in your Illustrated Preamble.
  2. Take your quiz on Chapter 3 in Formative.
  3. Read these two: Article 1 and Article 2.
  4. Study your Quizlet sets if there is time remaining. There are new quizlet sets on the Legislative and Executive branches.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Playlist #049

Today's Playlist: October 16, 2017

  1. Quiz tomorrow on chapter 3.
  2. Watch “The Preamble.”
  3. Create an “Illustrated Preamble to the Constitution.” Here are the instructions, complete in COLOR on a white sheet of paper.
  4. The Illustrated Preamble is DUE Tomorrow. Today is the only class time you will have to work on it. If you do not finish today it is homework.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Playlist #048

Today's Playlist: October 13, 2017

  1. Nearpod Presentation: “Colonies to Country.” Use the link in Google Classroom.
  2. Read these articles in Newsela: Article 1 and Article 2. If there is additional time, read more articles assigned to you.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Playlist #047

Today's Playlist: October 12, 2017

  1. Complete a ROC of the Citizenship Handbook #1-5. You will find the assignment in Google Classroom. Use the “Turn In” button when you are done. Make your ROC with one Roman Numeral per part, with an A and B, and 1, 2, 3 for each letter. There are no CPs/CYPs, instead complete one of the assessment questions for each Part.
  2. Then study the sets that have been assigned to you in Quizlet on the Constitution.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Playlist #046

Today's Playlist: October 11, 2017

  1. Present your RICs in class today.
  2. If there is time remaining, work on your assigned Newsela articles.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Playlist #045

Today's Playlist: October 10, 2017

  1. You will have the class period today to complete a RIC covering the four most important events from Chapter 3. You MUST turn the RIC in today before you leave class.
  2. There will be a Newsela grade check very SOON.
  3. If there is time remaining, work on your assigned Quizlet sets or read Newsela Articles.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Playlist #044

Today's Playlist: October 9, 2017

  1. Take today’s Quiz in Formative. Diamond up your Chromebooks and remain silent while your classmates are still working on this quiz. You may not use the Internet or any other resource to complete this quiz.
  2. Read these articles in Newsela:
  3. Begin working on your RIC for Chapter 3. You will finish it and TURN IN tomorrow in class.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Playlist #043

Today's Playlist: October 6, 2017

  1. Complete Crash Course #8 in Edpuzzle.
  2. Read these articles in Newsela:
  3. There will be a Quiz on the American Revolution, on Monday, October 9.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Playlist #042

Today's Playlist: October 5, 2017

  1. Complete your ROC on Chapter 3, Sections 1 to 3.
  2. There will be a Quiz on the American Revolution, on Monday, October 9.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Playlist #041

Today's Playlist: October 4, 2017

  1. Begin your ROC on Chapter 3, Sections 1 to 3. You will also have time to work on it in class on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Playlist #040

Today's Playlist: October 3, 2017

  1. Watch “America Story of US: Revolution:” in Edpuzzle. Open the notes in Classroom. Complete them while you watch the Video. Turn in before you leave today.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Playlist #039

Today's Playlist: October 2, 2017

  1. Finish: History Slam: American Revolution Edition.
  2. Study Quizlet sets or Read Newsela if there is time.