You will have the class period today to complete a RIC covering the four most important events from Chapter 2, sections 3 and 4. It will be turned in before you leave. You should look at your ROC for these sections to focus yourself on what is most important.
If there is time remaining, study your Quizlet sets.
Diamond up your Chromebooks to prepare for a Quiz/Test situation. While you are taking the quiz, you may not talk or use any resource online or offline. This is to find out what information you have stored in your brain.
Take the quiz assigned to you in Goformative on Colonial Anger.
READ first, do not type anything on your ROC until you have finished reading.
Complete one ROC form that covers BOTH sections, there are a total of six RED headings so you need A through C for each. Complete 3 major points for each red heading. Other parts of the ROC are the same. Write a summary that covers both sections and choose any two CPs and CYPs from either section.
Take the quiz that has been assigned to you. This is a quiz/test grade. You may not look at any resource on or off of the computer during this quiz. The Quiz is on “Colonies and Settlements”.
Read these two articles in Newsela: Article 1 and Article 2. Complete the quizzes and read several other articles that have been assigned to you before the period is over.