Go to Edpuzzle and watch the Crash Course Video on the “Age of Jackson.”
Go to Classroom. Get your ROC for 6.3 and 6.4. Start this today, you will have a few minutes of class time tomorrow to work on it, and it will be due Thursday at 8AM.
Monday at 8AM is the late work cut off. NO EXCEPTIONS. The Newsela cut off is Sunday at Midnight.
There is a video (Crash Course: War of 1812) assigned to you in Edpuzzle. Go there and complete it. You must use headphones.
If you did not finish any of the articles assigned yesterday in Newsela, complete them now.
You may use the remaining time to read other articles assigned in Newsela. You should have read at least 12 since November 27th. If you have read more than 20, you should work on Quizlet instead.
Quiz on Unit 7 this Wednesday(covering playlist 81-85).
Watch the film National Geographic: Lewis and Clark Expedition in Edpuzzle. Get your notes page in Classroom, complete and TURN IN before you leave today.
Read articles in Newsela if we have time remaining.
No late work will be accepted after 8AM on December 18th.
Today we are going to participate in an event going on worldwide. It is called Hour of Code. Do the following. You have a choice of several activities you can complete today. If you finish one, continue on to another activity for the entire class period.
Today we are going to participate in an event going on worldwide. It is called Hour of Code. Do the following. You have a choice of several activities you can complete today. If you finish one, continue on to another activity for the entire class period.
We will have a quick debrief on yesterday’s breakout.
Complete the EXIT Ticket in Google Classroom to earn your points for yesterday’s Breakout: “Commander in Mis-Chief.”
Complete a RIC that covers the four most important topics from your ROC of 5.1 and 5.2. Turn in BEFORE YOU WALK OUT OF CLASS. Use NO WORDS IN YOUR ILLUSTRATION BOXES.
Read articles in Newsela if you have time remaining.
Quizlet Live on Unit 6. (NOT IN Period 6, just move on to number 2).
Complete any remaining Spark presentations. You must watch and take notes on 15 presentations to get credit. Turn in your notes page before the end of the period.
Study for your quiz tomorrow, or read Newsela articles.
Quiz on Friday covering everything since playlist #067.
Complete an Adobe Spark presentation on one of the following topics, today is your only class time for this presentation:
The Whiskey Rebellion
The Undeclared War against France
The XYZ Affair
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Jefferson’s Embargo
Revolutionary War Debt and Hamilton’s plan to eliminate it
DO NOT use TYPED words in your presentation other than a title and your name. Complete a script in Google Docs first with the points you plan to make, what you will say, and the visuals you will look for. Use your voice and the visuals that you choose for the presentation to make your points. Once you have your script written add the visuals you plan to use in your presentation. You must turn the script in before you leave class today.
You must use the Video option and MUST include a voiceover in your presentation. Your video will be around 1 minute (it must not be less than 45 seconds and not more the 1 minute and 15 seconds).
You must include a voiceover (where you record your voice and explain your topic), which you can record at home or before or after school or during lunch, but you may not record it in class. Make sure you record somewhere where it is quiet.
Possible questions to answer in your presentation. What was this event? Who was involved? What was the long-term impact on the United States? How did it affect our relationship with other countries?
Turn in a link to your video through Google classroom before class starts on Wednesday. Any student who does not turn in a completed video will be required to give the presentation live in class. Those not turning in a presentation will go first.
We will present these in class on Wednesday if you have any technical problems you need to talk to Mr. Welch in class no later than tomorrow.
For homework over the holiday break, between today and November 27th, read and take a quiz on at least five Newsela articles. There will be one more grade check for Newsela before the end of the semester.
You will need headphones today. Go to Edpuzzle. There are two new videos assigned to you, watch both videos and answer the questions:
Where US Politics Came From: Crash Course US History #9
Thomas Jefferson and His Democracy: Crash Course US History #10
After you have completed both videos work on your unit 6 Quizlet set.
Complete the reading on “The Origins and Functions of Political Parties” including completing all questions in the form during class. If you do not finish the reading before the period is over, go to the last section and hit submit, otherwise, you will receive NO credit.
If you have additional time, read articles in Newsela.
Today we will watch a video of “Prime Minister’s Questions” to get an idea how political parties operate and debate. Open the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggJE_fuOy4M
Diamond your computers. Open the quiz but have no other tabs open on your computer. You may not use any resource on or off of the web to help with this quiz. Complete your Quiz on the Bill of Rights using the link in Google Classroom. The link will be made available right when class begins. If you look early you will not see it.
If you did not read all four Newsela articles on Monday, complete them know. Otherwise, choose a minimum of three articles and quizzes in Newsela. There will be a Newsela grade very soon.